Monday, March 5, 2012


It's been a while since I've been to this blog but the time has come to blog!  I'm really excited about life and I'm ready to share it with you.
The last time I blogged I was about to start a new phase of my life.  I have since that last blog changed my life for the better in many areas.
I'll be adding some photos shortly, but for now I just want to share my day's victory.
I have always hated exercise.  Having lived the last 15+ years at an embarrassing weight, I didn't have the energy to actually try exercise.  I was quite happy detesting it without any real experience.  I did start exercising this past year, but still did it grudgingly, as if it were punishment for the way I behaved in the past.  I dreaded it and I avoided it at all cost.
I've been working on losing more weight and the time has come to boost the loss with exercise.  Let's face it, there are 2 components to weight loss.......eating less and moving more!  I have the eating less part down and now it's time to start the other.  Sure, I've walked the last year on my treadmill, but it's been a slow comfortable walk.  It has helped with my weight loss, but I still hated doing it.
Today was different.  I have now taken off 117# and for the first time ever....exercise was fun.  I planned on doing my usual, casual walk for 20 minutes.  Once I got on the treadmill, I decided to kick it up and walk faster until I reached my target heartrate.  I set it higher than I've ever walked before. After a few minutes I reached that goal and instead of backing off, I continued.  After my normal 20 minute duration, I sped it up a bit more for the final couple of minutes.  Next thing I knew, I'd walked at that speed until I hit the 30 minute mark. And it was great!  The adrenaline had kicked in and I felt great.  I'm actually looking forward to getting after it again tomorrow.
For all you exercise afficianados out there, this is no biggy.  But to me, this is HUGE.  I am pretty sure that today was a landmark in my life.  And it's only going to get better from here....

1 comment:

  1. Wow Linda that is really great, congratulations for sticking with it.
